Message from the Founder President

DM Photograph

Dear Collegues,

I am greatly pleased for this opportunity to speak for WWA. In the near future Emotional Intelligence will become an important component of our educational system. It is essential to our world society if we are ever to create a world society free of war and strife.

WWA has already initiated an Emotional LitracyTraining Program in high schools, colleges and universities in Nepal based on the program in the “SEWA Life Without Anger Student Manual.” Our goal is to build a sustainable peace process in Nepal and the World.

One of the main components of the program is to bring inner peace and create an Anger Free Society. WWA’s mission is to make our world free of fear and anger by teaching each individual how to accomplish this and to replace fear and anger with love and peace in their hearts and minds.

The Dean of Peace is the messenger who shows us the way to completely eliminate anger and rage from our lives and fill it with increased productivity, creativity, happiness, and peace.

I am pleased to have this great opportunity to work with the Emotional Intelligence concepts because I recognize that as our world society learns these concepts we will be able to work together as a common society so that we will all be free to live a peaceful and joyous life.

I invite all of you to join in this great cause and contribute in any way you are able to create this Peaceful New World not only for ourselves, but for our children and their children as well.

DM Basnet
World Wthout Anger (WWA)
Kathmandu, Nepal