Present situation of WWA’s Programs and Activities.

WWA has in the beginning started Life Without Anger Emotional Training Program from just three schools as piloting project in 2007 and then extended first to another four schools including one school from USA named Lane Community School.
At present, 2009-2010 we have reached to thirteen schools and five Drop-In Centers under the care of Kathmandu Metropolitan City, Ministry of Local Development, Government of Nepal covering 40 training teachers including volunteers and 979 students from Private and Public schools. Thus, WWA is moving ahead with full zeal and sprit in cooperation with World Emotional Literacy League (WELL), USA, along with WWA’s Founder Patron Dr. Dean Van Leuven, Amanda, Linda, Nancy, Dr. Cohen, and others from USA who are conducting trainings, workshops and seminars to raise funds in order to expand LWA program schools and colleges in Nepal